Jan 27 - Crossing to Bariloche
Today we took the Cruce de Lagos from Puerto Varas, Chile to Bariloche, Argentina. Its a combination of 4 bus trips and 3 boat trips across a few high altitude lakes in the Andes. The first stop was the Rio Petrohue falls which was packed full of geriatrics on bus tours. The falls weren't really that impressive, so I'm not sure what the big attraction was.

Here's a pic of Volcan Osorno from the first ferry ride.

Not really much else exciting happened, other than Rena getting shat on by a pigeon, but unfortunately, no pictures.

Here's a pic of Volcan Osorno from the first ferry ride.

Not really much else exciting happened, other than Rena getting shat on by a pigeon, but unfortunately, no pictures.
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