Dec 14 - La Muela
Today we decided to do a hike behind Xela to some lava flow from 'La Muela', which erupted in 1780. The hike was supposed to be easy, but it seemed to go on and on and up and up.
Along the way we stopped to watch corn dry.

Here's a picture of us near the top. You can see Xela in the background. We started about two blocks from City Hall, and it took us about 2 hours to get to this point.
Here's Tanis taking a break in the clouds. It was kind of hard to see as the clouds had started to roll in by this time, but everywhere you looked was black volcanic rocks - they called it Mar de la Piedra (the Sea of Stone) or something like that .
Tanis and our guide at the top, and a view from the top, above the clouds.

Along the way we stopped to watch corn dry.

Here's a picture of us near the top. You can see Xela in the background. We started about two blocks from City Hall, and it took us about 2 hours to get to this point.

Here's Tanis taking a break in the clouds. It was kind of hard to see as the clouds had started to roll in by this time, but everywhere you looked was black volcanic rocks - they called it Mar de la Piedra (the Sea of Stone) or something like that .

Tanis and our guide at the top, and a view from the top, above the clouds.

Hey guys. Not sure where you exactly are for Christmas, but just wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas! If it makes you feel any better...Canada is cold! We've actually been pretty lucky as they are going through a mild streak right now and its about 0...there is snow on the ground though so a white Christmas for us. We'll see you in about 2 weeks. Don't get too fit on all of these treks or Wade and I won't be able to keep up with you in Chile!
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